Claims Adjuster

The claims adjuster ensures technical support regarding losses, by giving advice, training or other, and participates in the annual reservations certification.

Level of education

  • DEC in administrative techniques: DEC in Insurance and Financial Services Consulting


  • Between $ 47,915 and $ 59,470 depending on experience


  • Complex and statistical calculations
  • Understand how objects work
  • Establish interpersonal relationships
  • Good judgment
  • To negotiate

Description of Tasks

Investigate the circumstances of the claims declared by the insured (fire, theft, accident, material loss, etc.).

Check the declarations, calculate the sum of losses or damages covered by the policies and negotiate the amount of compensation to be paid by the company.

Be tactful in investigations of victims and witnesses, assess fair and fair loss and damage and detect possible fraud.

Video credit: Pros de l'assurance

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