
You live outside of Québec or Canada and wish to settle in the Québec area to work ?

You are making an excellent choice: jobs are numerous and you will benefit from many welcome and support services to facilitate your settling and integration.

What you need to know about the field of insurance in Québec

How is the job market in my professional sector ?

In Québec
The website of the minister of Immigration, Diversity and Inclusion of Québec answers this question and many others on the page “Work in Québec” (Travailler au Québec). Advice and practical tools are listed there, along with schedules of free information sessions.

In the region of Québec
The section “Key Industries” (Industries clés) of the Québec International website answers some questions about the economic health of different professional sectors in the region.

What is the process for my family ? (spouse and children)

The spouse of a temporary specialized worker can benefit from a specific procedure to access the job market. Your children will be able to go to school in Canada if you have a work permit. They will also have access to daycare services.

Is my professional training regulated or managed by a professional order?

Insurers offer hundreds of different career types, some of which are managed by a professional order. To exercise some professions in the financial field, for example, you must obtain a certificate delivered by the AMF “to use some reserved titles or abbreviations, like insurance representative (agent and broker), securities representative, mutual funds representative, disaster expert and financial planner”.

What do my studies correspond to in Québec’s educational system?

The “Évaluation comparative des études effectuées hors du Québec” indicates what studies done outside of Québec correspond to in Québec educational system and its main diplomas (or curricular reference points).

What are my chances of being selected by Québec?

The Preliminary immigration evaluation (Évaluation préliminaire d’immigration) allows you to obtain a free online summary evaluation of your chances to be selected by Québec. It does not lead to a formal decision as regards Québec’s immigration law (Loi sur l’immigration au Québec), but it allows you to obtain an opinion on your application by the ministry.

Resources and useful links

Below, you will find a ton of links to resources that could support you in your immigration procedures in the region of Québec-Chaudière-Appalaches as well as information documents to facilitate your arrival.

  • Québec en tête, the referencing portal for working, living, undertaking or studying in Quebec, an initiative of Quebec International.
  • Emploi Québec, Government platform for finding information and advice regarding job vacancies.
  • Ministry of Immigration, Francization and Inclusion Apprendre le Québec, un guide essentiel pour vous!, which includes an information section and a personalized action plan for immigration.
  • Ministry of Immigration, Francization and InclusionTravailleurs permanents's section.
  • Immigration Québec : Arrima: a new portal for online immigration applications.
  • Quebec City, "Québec, une ville pour moi", a welcome portal for newcomers.
  • Levis, « Nouveaux arrivants », a section dedicated to welcoming immigrants.
  • Vivre à Québec et ses environs, the free guide to settling in Quebec.
  • Autorité des marchés financiers, " Professionals" section, in order to obtain information for professionals or future professionals in the financial sector (administrative formalities and qualification requirements, practice rights, etc.), as well as the "Becoming professional" section, in order to be informed of the steps to follow to obtain the authorizations necessary to exercise.
  • Centre multiethnique de Québec, which supports immigrants or refugees in their arrival and integration.
  • Option-travail, a center of expertise in career development that has a specialized component in support of immigrants.
  • Exportech Québec allows job seekers to acquire skills related to their areas of expertise.
  • The répertoire des ressources, to promote the inclusion of people from cultural communities in your business.